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Learn Python Programming

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A collection of Python exercises.
All solutions on https://pythonprogramminglanguage.com/

  • What is REPL?
  • Whats an IDE and why would you use one?
  • Name 3 python IDEs.
  • What is the extension for a python code file?
  • What does the \n character do?
  • Given a variable x, how do we output it to the screen?
  • How can we get variable x as numeric input?
  • how can we get variable x as text input?
  • How can we print multiple variables on one line?
  • What is a boolean?
  • Which does an if statement do?
  • What does a for loop do?
  • How do you define a function?
  • What is the difference betweeen a for and while loop?
  • Create a list containing the values 1 to 10.
  • What is the try-catch block for?
  • Create a try-catch block given keyboard input.
  • What is a tuple? define it.
  • What is a dictionary? define it.
  • Why would you use modules?
  • How can you define a comment in Python?
  • What is a regular expression?
  • What is elif?
  • What is a nested loop?
  • Is there a difference between try-catch and try-except?
  • What is an expanded for loop?
  • What is a string?
  • How can we create a substring?