We can make the computer speak with Python.
Given a text string, it will speak the written words in the English language.
This process is called Text To Speech (TTS).
Related Course: The Complete Machine Learning Course with Python
Text to speech
Pyttsx text to speech
Pytsx is a cross-platform text-to-speech wrapper.
It uses different speech engines based on your operating system:
sapi5 - SAPI5 on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and (untested) Windows 7
espeak - eSpeak on any distro / platform that can host the shared library (e.g., Ubuntu / Fedora Linux)
Install with pip (using pyenv, pipenv or virtualenv):
sudo pip install pyttsx
Then run the example code:
import pyttsx |
gTTS text to speech
gTTS is a module and command line utility to save spoken text to mp3.
It uses the Google Text to Speech (TTS) API.
Listen to the voice sample below:
Related Course: The Complete Machine Learning Course with Python
This module supports many languages and sounds very natural.
Install with the python package tool (pip):
sudo pip install gTTS
Examplefrom gtts import gTTS
import os
tts = gTTS(text='Good morning', lang='en')
os.system("mpg321 good.mp3")
If you want to test it on the command line use:
gtts-cli.py "Hello" -l 'en' -o hello.mp3
iOS TTS and speech recognition
TTS in Pythonista for iOS:import speech
speech.say('Hola mundo', 'es_ES')
To record sound:import sound
r = sound.Recorder('audio.m4a')
r.record(3) # seconds
To recognize it as text:text = speech.recognize('audio.m4a', 'en')[0][0] # sent to Apple servers
Microsoft speech engine
If you use Microsoft Windows 10, it has a speech engine included.
Install the module win32com, then you can use this code:import win32com.client as wincl
speak = wincl.Dispatch("SAPI.SpVoice")
speak.Speak("Hello World")
IBM Watson TTS
IBM has created an tts API, which is free for a limited amount of queries.
You can listen to sample data on the Watson TTS page.
You can use the tts-watson module to interact.
pip install tts-watson
After registrating on the IBM watson site (generate keys there),
we can write our code:
from tts_watson.TtsWatson import TtsWatson
ttsWatson = TtsWatson('watson_user', 'watson_password', 'en-US_AllisonVoice')
ttsWatson.play("Hello World")
Alternatively you can use curl to directly fetch from the API.
Thank you so much. I tried several other translate commands and nothing worked till i landed on your page. Your tutorial worked perfectly. Many Thanks again!!
I think in your gTTS example you meant:
os.system("mpg123 good.mp3")
Sorry, I didn't realize there was a clone called mpg321. :)
how to speak in other language? let say Chinese. Any ideas?
IGNORE, I have found some thoughts
It keeps saying: "ImportError: No module named pyttsx". Any thoughts?
The module pyttsx is not installed on your system.
Install it with pip or from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyttsx
Thanks because the "pip install" command has not worked so far.
You can install it manually or using pip/easy_install.
setuptools method
You can install it with setuptools
<div class="terminal">
git clone https://github.com/RapidWar...
cd pyttsx
sudo python setup.py install
pip method
Do you have pip installed on the computer? You can install it with get-pip.py
This may help:
pip install --upgrade pip
pip3 install pyttsx3
that should do the job
How to do voice modulation in that output audio
using another python module, this one is only for speech recognition